

The Governing Body of Wimborne First School & Nursery works with the Headteacher to shape the future of the school and to ensure high standards of achievement for all of our children.

Governing bodies have a very wide range of powers and responsibilities covering three key areas:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

 In an effective governing body, governors:

  • understand their strategic role, building a productive and supportive relationship with the Headteacher, while holding them to account for pupil performance and taking hard strategic decisions based on objective data

  • ensure they have the necessary skills and commitment, including challenging to bring about improvements and hold leaders to account for pupil performance

  • appoint an effective chair to lead and manage the Governing Body

  • appoint a high quality independent clerk to advise them on their functions and duties, and ensure the governing body operates efficiently and effectively

  • regularly measure their effectiveness and make changes as necessary to improve their performance

Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. This is the job of the Headteacher.  Governing bodies are made up of all sorts of skilled people who contribute in many different and complementary ways.  Almost anyone can be a Governor, unless they are:

  • under 18, or

  • disqualified because of such things as bankruptcy or recent prison sentence

Details about the governance of the Hamwic Education Trust can be found by following

If you need to contact the Chair of Governors please address all correspondence to Mrs Val Arbon, c/o Wimborne First School or contact him via email 

The regulations of the 1980 Education Act require that copies of the agenda and minutes shall be available at the school. These are available in the school office if you wish to view them.

Please also see pages below for further information